致死中浓度溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜体内能源物质的影响 *

应用昆虫学报, 2020, 57(4): 861-867 doi: 10.7679/j.issn.2095-1353.2020.088


致死中浓度溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜体内能源物质的影响 *

高云雷,**, 韩岚岚,**, 赵奎军,***, 张雯林, 肖建飞, 陈娟, 高丽瞳, 邓士群

东北农业大学农学院,哈尔滨 150030

Effect of a lethal concentration of deltamethrin on the growth and nutrient content of Acyrthosiphon solani nymphs

GAO Yun-Lei,**, HAN Lan-Lan,**, ZHAO Kui-Jun,***, ZHANG Wen-Lin, XIAO Jian-Fei, CHEN Juan, GAO Li-Tong, DENG Shi-Qun

College of Agriculture, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China

通讯作者: *** E-mail:kjzhao@163.com

**共同第一作者Co-first authors,E-mail: 1210014238@qq.com; hanll_neau@aliyun.com

收稿日期: 2019-03-20   接受日期: 2019-05-27   网络出版日期: 2020-07-27

基金资助: *现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金.  CARS-04
黑龙江省科学基金项目.  C2018011

Corresponding authors: *** E-mail:kjzhao@163.com

Received: 2019-03-20   Accepted: 2019-05-27   Online: 2020-07-27


【目的】 通过LC50溴氰菊酯胁迫1龄茄无网蚜Acyrthosiphon solani测定对其生长发育及能源物质的影响,为研究茄无网蚜抗药性产生提供理论基础。【方法】 通过浸渍法用LC50溴氰菊酯处理1龄茄无网蚜,间隔12 h观测药剂胁迫后试虫的生长历期,分别用蒽酮法、考马斯亮蓝G-250法,香草醛试剂测定各虫龄试虫蛋白、糖类和总脂质含量并进行数据分析。【结果】 药剂胁迫下显著延长了1龄(1.44倍)、2龄(1.26倍)的发育历期(P < 0.05);蛋白质比重在2龄(0.75倍)、3龄(0.69倍)、成蚜(1.17倍)有显著差异(P < 0.05),其他虫龄有差异但不显著;可溶性糖比重在2龄(1.39倍)差异显著(P < 0.05);糖原比重在1龄(3.81倍)、2龄(3.82倍)差异显著;总脂质在1-4龄均有显著差异(P < 0.05),分别是对照组的2.04、1.34、1.25、1.30倍。【结论】 药剂胁迫对茄无网蚜的生长发育及各虫龄能源物质比重均有不同程度的影响。

关键词: 茄无网蚜 ; 致死中浓度 ; 溴氰菊酯 ; 生长历期 ; 能源物质


[Objectives] To investigate the effect of deltamethrin on the growth, development and energy storage of 1st instar nymphs of Acyrthosiphon solani Kaltenbach and thereby provide a theoretical basis for research pesticide resistance mechanisms in this pest. [Methods] First instar nymphs of A. solani were treated with an LC50 dose of deltamethrin via the impregnation method after which the growth of successive instars was monitored every 12 h. In addition, the protein, carbohydrate and total lipid of each nymph was measured by staining these with anthrone, coomassie brilliant blue G-250 and vanillin, respectively. [Results] We found that deltamethrin significantly extended the growth period of 1st and 2nd instar nymphs by 1.44 times and 1.26 times, respectively (P < 0.05). There was also a significant difference in the specific gravity of protein between treatment and control groups in 2nd (0.74 times), 3nd (0.69 times) and 5th instar (1.17 times) nymphs. The protein content of other treated instars also differed from their respective control group, but not significantly. There was also a significant difference in the specific gravity of soluble carbohydrate between 2nd instar treatment and control groups (1.39 times). Glycogen differed significantly between treatment and control groups in the 1st (3.81 times) and 2nd instars (3.82 times). Finally, total lipid content significantly differed between the treatment and control groups of all four instars; treatment groups having 2.04, 1.34, 1.25 and 1.30 times the total lipid content of their respective control groups. [Conclusion] An LC50 dose of deltamethrin effects both the growth and nutrient content of all instars of A. solani.

Keywords: Acyrthosiphon solani ; lethal concentration ; deltamethrin ; instar sduration ; energy substances

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高云雷, 韩岚岚, 赵奎军, 张雯林, 肖建飞, 陈娟, 高丽瞳, 邓士群. 致死中浓度溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜体内能源物质的影响 *. 应用昆虫学报[J], 2020, 57(4): 861-867 doi:10.7679/j.issn.2095-1353.2020.088

GAO Yun-Lei, HAN Lan-Lan, ZHAO Kui-Jun, ZHANG Wen-Lin, XIAO Jian-Fei, CHEN Juan, GAO Li-Tong, DENG Shi-Qun. Effect of a lethal concentration of deltamethrin on the growth and nutrient content of Acyrthosiphon solani nymphs. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology[J], 2020, 57(4): 861-867 doi:10.7679/j.issn.2095-1353.2020.088

茄无网蚜Acyrthosiphon solani Kaltenbach属半翅目蚜科,又名茄粗额蚜、茄无网长管蚜。世界性范围均有分布,寄主包括茄科、豆科等多种农作物,是我国大豆主产区的主要刺吸类害虫,全株危害,偏好老叶,能传播病毒病。近年来调查结果表明,茄无网蚜在大豆田中的危害呈上升趋势(郭井泉和张明厚,1989;韩岚岚等,2016),已成为潜在的威胁。目前对其防治仍是以化学防治为主,其中拟除虫菊酯是防治茄无网蚜的常用药剂之一,它具有高效性、低毒性、广谱性,在世界范围内广泛应用(Birolli et al.,2018;Lv et al,,2019)。近年来研究表明,昆虫在受到胁迫时,糖类、蛋白质、脂质也随之发生相应的变化,从而提高昆虫对不良环境的忍耐能力(王红等,2014;曹宇等,2015;张天澍等, 2016;崔佳丽等,2018)。昆虫对拟除虫菊酯类农药产生抗性的速度快,还易产生交互抗性(陈澄宇等,2016)。为了解除虫菊酯胁迫后,对茄无网蚜生长发育、内源物质代谢的影响,本文通过研究除虫菊酯对茄无网蚜生长发育历和其体内主要能源物质——糖类、蛋白质、脂质代谢的影响,进而明确茄无网蚜对拟除虫菊酯胁迫的应对策略,为茄无网蚜的防治、揭示其产生抗性的机理提供科学依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 供试虫源和药剂

1.1.1 供试虫源 供试虫源茄无网蚜采集地为黑龙江省哈尔滨市东北农业大学向阳农场。在不接触任何药剂的前提下,基于茄无网蚜喜好老叶,选取大豆第一对真叶剪切至约2 cm2贴于1%琼脂培养皿上,单头转接,置于实验室恒温光照饲养扩繁,培养至性状稳定,培养箱温度为(25±1)℃、光照14 L:10 D、相对湿度RH 75%。供试大豆品种为“东农46”。

1.1.2 供试药剂 25 g/L溴氰菊酯乳油药剂(浙江威尔达化工有限公司),其他试验试剂均为分析纯试剂。

1.2 溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜的胁迫方法

毒力测定方法:选用长势一致的大豆第一对真叶并裁剪至2 cm2,用不同浓度溴氰菊酯分别浸渍叶片5 s,贴于1%琼脂培养基上,用吸水纸吸净叶片表面多余药剂,以清水为对照处理,将培养皿中12 h内产生1龄茄无网若蚜转接至培养皿中,36 h计算茄无网蚜亚致死浓度。

本试验选择溴氰菊酯LC50(Lethal concentration 50%,LC50)作为供试处理浓度对1龄茄无网若蚜进行饲药处理。每次处理同毒力测定处理方法一致,将处理后茄无网蚜培养至成蚜。其中每个药剂处理培养皿中转接4头茄无网若蚜,选择处理后茄无网若蚜数量减少的培养皿中的蚜虫,做为试虫,每个清水对照处理培养皿中转接2头茄无网若蚜。间隔12 h观察一次茄无网若蚜蜕皮情况,及时清理虫蜕,共选择60头处理后的1龄茄无网若蚜进行历期观察,成蚜为第4次脱皮到第一次产蚜的历期。分别对1龄(1龄处理24 h后)、2龄、3龄、4龄、成蚜进行采集,采集数量分别为25、20、15、10、5头,每个处理重复3次。

1.3 茄无网蚜各虫龄体内能源物质参数的测定方法


待测样蛋白质含量=待测样蛋白质浓度 ×缓冲液体积,待测样蛋白质比重=待测样蛋白质含量(待测样蛋白浓度 × 缓冲液体积)/ 待测样虫重。

待测样可溶性糖含量=(待测样可溶性糖浓度 × 缓冲液体积 × 稀释倍数)/ 待测样虫数,待测样可溶性糖比重=(待测样可溶性糖浓度 × 缓冲液体积 × 稀释倍数)/ 待测样虫重。

待测样糖原含量=(待测样糖原浓度 × 缓冲液体积 × 稀释倍数)/ 待测样虫数,待测样糖原比重=(待测样糖原浓度 × 缓冲液体积 × 稀释倍数)/ 待测样虫重。

待测样总脂质含量=待测样总脂质浓度 ×缓冲液体积,待测样总脂质比重=(待测样总脂质含量待测样总脂质浓度 × 缓冲液体积)/ 待测样虫重。

1.4 数据处理

利用Excel表格进行对数据初步处理,并利用DPS v7.05版软件采用Student t-检验进行数据的差异性分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜各虫龄历期的影响

图1可知,经溴氰菊酯LC50胁迫1龄茄无网蚜后,其1龄若蚜的龄期延长,为对照组的1.44倍,差异显著(P < 0.05);2龄若蚜龄期长于对照组的1.29倍,差异显著(P < 0.05),3龄、4龄若蚜龄期是对照组的1.05倍、1.04倍,差异不显著(P > 0.05),成蚜历期是对照组的0.94倍,差异不显著(P > 0.05)。结果表明,用LC50溴氰菊酯处理1龄茄无网若蚜后,显著延长了其1龄、2龄若蚜的虫龄历期,而3龄、4龄若蚜及成蚜历期未受明显影响。


图1   LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜各虫龄历期的影响

柱上标有不同小写字母表示经Student t-检验法检验差异显著(P ˂ 0.05)。下图同。

Fig. 1   Effect of LC50 deltamethrin on the different instars of Acyrthosiphon solani

Histograms with different lowercase letters indicate significant difference at the 0.05 level by Student t- test. The same below.

2.2 LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜体内能源物质的影响

2.2.1 LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜体内蛋白质比重的影响 从图2可知,对照组和处理组茄无网蚜体内蛋白质含量随虫龄的增加呈上升趋势,且仅在2龄对照组与处理组茄无网蚜蛋白含量差异显著,是对照组的0.55倍(P < 0.05),而1龄、3-4龄和成蚜体内蛋白比重分别是对照组的0.75、0.99、0.94和1.04倍,差异不显著(P > 0.05)。


图2   LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜蛋白质含量的影响

Fig. 2   Effect of LC50 deltamethrin on the protein content of Acyrthosiphon solani

图3可知,对照组茄无网蚜蛋白质比重值在2龄达到最高(0.017 μg·mg-1),成蚜蛋白质比重值最低(0.010 6 μg·mg-1);处理组茄无网蚜蛋白质比重值在2龄达到最低(0.012 5 μg·mg-1),且与对照组差异显著(P < 0.05),是对照组的0.74倍;2-3龄若蚜蛋白质比重值随虫龄的增加逐渐升高,3龄达到最高(0.016 6 μg·mg-1),然后又下降;成蚜蛋白质比重值显著高于对照组(P < 0.05),是对照组的1.17倍;1龄、2龄和4龄若蚜蛋白质比重分别是对照组的0.92倍、0.75倍和1.16倍,且差异不显著(P > 0.05),其中两个拐点出现在2龄和3龄。结果表明,LC50溴氰菊酯处理1龄茄无网若蚜后,对其各龄的蛋白质比重值的变化趋势产生明显的影响。


图3   LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜蛋白质比重的影响

Fig.3   Effect of LC50 deltamethrin on the protein specific gravity of Acyrthosiphon solani

2.2.2 LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜体内可溶性糖比重的影响 从图4可知,对照组、处理组茄无网蚜体内可溶性糖含量从1龄至成蚜呈现上升变化趋势,受药剂胁迫后,4龄若蚜体内可溶性糖含量显著低于对照组(P < 0.05),是对照组的0.72倍,而成蚜体内可溶性糖含量显著高于对照组(P < 0.05),是对照组的1.15倍,1-3龄分别是对照组的0.94、1.00、0.72倍,差异不显著(P > 0.05)。


图4   LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜可溶性糖含量的影响

Fig. 4   Effect of LC50 deltamethrin on the soluble sugaer content of Acyrthosiphon solani

图5可知,对照组茄无网蚜体内可溶性糖比重随虫龄的增加呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,在2龄若蚜达到最高(0.120 0 μg·mg-1),1、3、4龄若蚜、成蚜之间可溶性糖比重值差异不显著(P > 0.05),成蚜体内可溶性糖比重值最低(0.088 4 μg·mg-1);处理组各龄茄无网蚜可溶性糖比重值变化趋势与对照组一致,2龄若蚜比重值达到最高(0.166 9 μg·mg-1),4龄若蚜比重值最低(0.104 5 μg·mg-1)。处理组2龄若蚜可溶性糖比重值显著高于对照组(P > 0.05),为对照组的1.39倍;1龄、3龄、4龄若蚜和成蚜分别是对照组的1.19倍、1.21倍、1.13倍和1.29倍,但差异不显著(P > 0.05)。结果表明,经LC50溴氰菊酯处理1龄茄无网若蚜后其体内可溶性糖比重值在2龄升高最显著。


图5   LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜可溶性糖比重的影响

Fig. 5   Effect of LC50 deltamethrin on the soluble sugar specific gravity of Acyrthosiphon solani

2.2.3 LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜体内糖原比重的影响 从图6可知,对照组、药剂处理组茄无网蚜体内糖原含量由1-4龄至成蚜呈上升变化趋势,处理组茄无网蚜1龄、2龄若蚜糖原含量显著高于对照组(P < 0.05),是对照组的2.62倍、2.93倍,处理组成蚜糖原含量显著低于对照组(P < 0.05),是对照组的0.86倍,处理组在3龄、4龄若蚜分别是对照组的0.73倍、0.88倍,差异不显著(P > 0.05)。


图6   LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜糖原含量的影响

Fig. 6   Effect of LC50 deltamethrin on the glycogen content of Acyrthosiphon solani

图7可知,对照组茄无网蚜糖原比重从1-4龄至成蚜逐渐升高,成蚜糖原比重值达到最高(0.012 1 μg·mg-1),1龄糖原比重值最低(0.003 0 μg·mg-1);处理组茄无网蚜体内糖原比重值在2龄若蚜最高(0.018 36 μg·mg-1),3龄若蚜最低(0.005 07 μg·mg-1)。处理组1龄、2龄若蚜糖原比重值显著高于对照组(P < 0.05),分别是对照组的3.81倍、3.82倍;3龄、4龄若蚜、成蚜糖原比重分别是对照组的0.85倍、1.09倍、1.09倍,差异不显著(P > 0.05)。结果表明,经LC50溴氰菊酯处理1龄茄无网若蚜后,显著提高了茄无网蚜体内1龄、2龄若蚜体内糖原比重值,其它虫龄茄无网蚜体内糖原比重差异不显著。


图7   LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜糖原比重的影响

Fig. 7   Effect of LC50 deltamethrin on the glycogen specific gravity of Acyrthosiphon solani

2.2.4 LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜体内总脂质比重的影响 从图8可知,对照组茄无网蚜总脂质含量在1-2龄和3-4龄-成蚜均呈现上升变化趋势,2-3龄呈现下降趋势;处理组茄无网蚜总脂质含量在1-2龄呈现上升变化趋势,2-4龄-成蚜差异不显著,处理组1龄若蚜体内总脂质含量显著高于对照组(P < 0.05),是对照组的1.34倍,2-4龄若蚜、成蚜总脂质分别是对照组的0.96倍、1.14倍、1.07倍和0.84倍,差异不显著(P > 0.05)。


图8   LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜总脂质含量的影响

Fig. 8   Effect of LC50 deltamethrin on the total lipid content of Acyrthosiphon solani

图9可知,对照组茄无网蚜总脂质比重值在1-2龄呈上升趋势,2-4龄至成蚜呈下降趋势,2龄总脂质比重值达到最高(1.112 9 ng·mg-1),成蚜总脂质比重值最低(0.177 1 ng·mg-1);处理组茄无网蚜总脂质比重值1-4龄至成蚜呈现下降趋势,1龄总脂质比重值达到最高(1.958 4 ng·mg-1),成蚜总脂质比重值最低(0.169 3 ng·mg-1)。处理组1-4龄若蚜总脂质显著高于对照组(P < 0.05), 分别是对照组的2.04倍、1.34倍、1.25倍和1.30倍;成蚜总脂质是对照组的0.95倍,差异不显著(P > 0.05);结果表明,经LC50溴氰菊酯处理1龄茄无网若蚜后,显著提高了茄无网蚜体内1-4龄若蚜体内总脂质比重值。


图9   LC50溴氰菊酯对茄无网蚜总脂质比重的影响

Fig. 9   Effect of LC50 deltamethrin on the total lipid specific gravity of Acyrthosiphon solani

3 讨论




4 结论



Birolli WG, Vacondio B, Alvarenga N, Seleghim MHR, Porto ALM , 2018.

Enantioselective biodegradation of the pyrethroid (±)-lambda-cyhalothrin by marine-derived fungi

Chemosphere Oxford: S0045653518300626 .

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Cao Y, Liu Y, Yang WJ, Meng YL, Wang LJ, Zeng L, Li C , 2015.

The effect of emamectin benzoate exposure on the energy source of Frankliniella occidentalis

Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni, 54(6):31-36.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

In order to examine the effect of emamectin benzoate to Frankliniella occidentalis, the toxicity of this insecticide to the adult and 2nd instar of F. occidentalis were studied&nbsp; by dip method in this paper. In addition,&nbsp; the content of soluble protein, soluble sugar and lipid in F. occidentalis were also tested after these insects were exposed to medial lethal doses of emamectin benzoate for the following exposure times: 2, 4, 6, and 8 h. Furthermore the utilization rate of the energy source in F. occidentalis was calculated after the insects were exposed to emamectin benzoate until dead at the medial lethal doses. The results showed that emamectin benzoate had different toxicity to the adult and 2nd instar of F. occidentalis, and the medial lethal doses were 1.11 and 0.62 mg/L, respectively. With the extension of exposure time at medial lethal doses of emamectin benzoate, there was significant a increase or decrease on the content of soluble protein, soluble sugar and lipid in F. occidentalis adult, but no significant variation on their content in F. occidentalis nymph. When the F. occidentalis was dead under the medial lethal doses exposure, there was significant difference in the utilization rate of the three kinds of energy sources in F. occidentalis, the utilization was soluble sugar(74.12%)&gt; soluble protein(58.10%)&gt; lipid(42.13%)in adult, significantly higher than that in nymph at any kind of the three energy sources, and the utilization was soluble sugar(64.01%)&gt; soluble protein(48.12%)&gt; lipid(36.48%)in nymph. According to the results, we could conclude that the different variation and utilization of energy source between F. occidentalis adult and nymph under the exposure of emamectin benzoate, may have some relationship to their different tolerance to this insecticide.

[ 曹宇, 刘燕, 杨文佳, 孟永禄, 王丽娟, 曾力, 李灿 , 2015.


中山大学学报(自然科学版), 54(6):31-36.]

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Chen CY, Shi XY, Gao XW , 2016.

Mechanism of insect metabolic resistance to pyrethroid insecticides

Chinese Journal of Pesticide Science, 18(5):545-555.

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Effects of mepiquat chloride (DPC) on energy substances in Aphis gossypii

Journal of Environmental Entomology, 40(2):446-451.

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[ 崔家丽, 王俊刚, 钟亮, 李文杰 , 2018.


环境昆虫学报, 40(2):446-451. ]

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Guo JQ, Zhang MH , 1989.

Study on the main mediator of soybean mosaic virus (SMV) and its transmission efficiency

Soybean Science, ( 1):55-63.

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Han LL, Wang K, Li DP, Zhang WL, Cheng Y, Zhao KJ , 2016.

Effects of the potato-soybean, and maize-soybean, intercropping modes on the population dynamics of main piercing-sucking pests, and other pests, in soybean fields

Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology, 53(4):723-730.

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[ 韩岚岚, 王坤, 李东坡, 张雯林, 程媛, 赵奎军 , 2016.


应用昆虫学报, 53(4):723-730.]

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Studies on the intracellular bacterial symbionts of two color morphs of Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris. Masteral dissertation.

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硕士学位论文. 兰州: 甘肃农业大学.]

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Tang F, Liang P, Gao XW , 2012.

Induction of glutathione S- transferases activity by plant allelochemicals in the cotton bollworn, Helicoverpa armigera

Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology, 49(6):1513-1518.

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[ 汤方, 李丽, 高希武 , 2012.


应用昆虫学报, 49(6):1513-1518.]

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Wang H, Xu ZX, Zhao KJ, Han LL , 2014.

Effects of median lethal concentration of imidacloprid on accumulation of energy substances in Aphis glycines(Homoptera: Aphididae)

Chinese Journal of Biological Control, 30(5):654-659.

URL     [本文引用: 2]

Aphis glycines Matsumura is a major insect pest damaging Glycina max. In order to investigate the mechanism of insecticide induced resurgence of the A. glycines, the changes of soluble sugar, free amino acid, soluble protein and crude fat contents in the 1st instar, 3rd instar, 4th instar nymphs and adults of A. glycines treated with medial lethal doses of imidacloprid were compared. The results showed that the reserves of energy substances in nymphs and adults had different variation trends. Contents of soluble sugar and free amino acid in the wingless and winged adults treated with medial lethal doses of imidacloprid were significantly higher than those of untreated A. glycines; Crude fat content in wingless and winged adults was significantly higher than the control; The variation trends of soluble protein contents in the wingless and winged adults were similar to those of crude fat.]]>

[ 王红, 徐忠新, 赵奎军, 韩岚岚 , 2014.


中国生物防治学报, 30(5):654-659.]

[本文引用: 2]

Wang ZH, Fan JM, Chen JC, Gong YJ, Wei SJ , 2017.

Sublethal effects of sulfoxaflor on the growth and reproduction of the green peach aphid Myzus persicae

Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 50(3):496-503.

DOI:10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.03.008      URL     [本文引用: 1]

0 (parental) and the F1 (first generation) green peach aphid Myzus persicae were investigated to provide a theoretical basis for proper usage of this insecticide. 【Method】 The sublethal concentrations of LC10 and LC25 were determined by the bioassay method of Potter spray tower. The agar was placed at the bottom of the glass dish, while leaf discs were placed with their adaxial surface downward onto agar. Fifteen adult aphids were transferred onto each leaf disc. Insecticide were sprayed to the leaf disc with aphids by using the Potter spray tower under seven concentrations. Mortality of the aphids was recorded 48 h later. LC10 and LC25 were estimated using POLO-Plus10.0 software. Sublethal effects of sulfoxaflor on the development and reproduction of the green peach aphid was evaluated by the method of establishing a life table. For the F0 aphid, sulfoxaflor was sprayed on the adult aphids at the concentrations of LC10 and LC25. After the application of the insecticide for 48 h, the adults were moved to fresh leaves without insecticide and reared separately until death. For the F1 aphid, sulfoxaflor was sprayed on the adult aphids at the concentrations of LC10 and LC25. After the application of insecticide for 48 h, the adults were moved to fresh leaves without insecticide. When the adult aphid produced nymphs for 24 h, one nymph was randomly selected and reared separately until death. The survival and reproduction of each aphid were recorded. The statistical differences of the development duration of nymphs, the adult longevity, the number of nymph per aphid and the life table parameters of F0 and F1 were analyzed using SPSS 16.0.【Result】 According to the bioassay, the LC10 and LC25 of sulfoxaflor on the green peach aphid after 48 h were 0.012 and 0.041 mg·L-1. Treatments with sublethal concentrations of sulfoxaflor significantly reduced the adult longevity, the number of nymph per aphid and the reproductive period of F0 and F1. The values reduced with the increase of the concentration of insecticide. After being exposed to the sublethal concentrations LC10 and LC25 of sulfoxaflor, for the F0 aphid, the average longevity of aphid adult was 20.89 and 15.47 d, respectively, shorter than that of control (25.41 d). The nymph number per aphid after treatment with LC10 and LC25 of sulfoxaflor was 56.51 and 27.33, respectively, significantly less than that of control (71.02), while the reproductive period was 20.74 and 14.37 d, respectively, significantly shorter than that of control (25.27 d). For the F1 aphid, the average longevity of adult was 14.80 and 9.76 d, the reproductive period was 12.03 and 8.59 d, the nymph number per aphid after treatment with sulfoxaflor at LC10 and LC25 was 46.20 and 28.23, respectively. Compared with the control, treatment with sulfoxaflor at LC10 significantly extended the development duration of 1st instar nymph (1.73 and 2.21 d), while treatment with sulfoxaflor at LC25 significantly extended the development duration of 2nd instar nymph (1.43 and 1.58 d). However, there was no significantly difference in the other instar development duration and the total nymph period. Life table analysis showed that the net reproductive rate R0 was decreased significantly after treatment with sulfoxaflor at LC10 and LC25 with the values of 47.15, 24.55, respectively, compared with the control with a value of 64.47. 【Conclusion】Sublethal concentrations of sulfoxaflor have inhibitory effects on adult longevity and fecundity of the F0 and F1 M. persicae.]]>

[ 王泽华, 范佳敏, 陈金翠, 宫亚军, 魏书军 , 2017.


中国农业科学, 50(3):496-503.]

[本文引用: 1]

Yin JL, Hu JH, Xu HW, Wu JC, Wang F, Yang GQ , 2008.

Comparisons of levels of crude fat, soluble sugars, and free amino acids in offsprings of the immigrant and non-immigrant populations of the brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål)(Homoptera: Delphacidae), under insecticide stress

Acta Entomologica Sinica 51(11):1103-1112.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

To understand the biochemical difference between immigrant and non-immigrant Nilaparvata lugens offspring populations, we compared the changes in soluble sugar and crude fat contents in the 3rd and 5th instar nymphs and adults of the offsprings from immigrant and non-immigrant N. lugens, and free amino acid content in immigrant adults and their offspring adults on two rice varieties (TN1 and Xieyou 963) under insecticide stress. The biochemical substances were associated with insect origin (immigrant or non-immigrant), developmental stage, and insecticide type and insecticide concentration. Soluble sugar contents in the 3rd and 5th instar nymphs and adults of the offsprings that developed from the plants treated with insecticides and control (untreated) plants of TN1 for immigrant N. lugens were significantly higher than those for non-immigrant N. lugens. In contrast to soluble sugar content, crude fat content in the 3rd and 5th instar nymphs and adults of the offsprings that developed from the plants treated with insecticides and control plants of TN1 for immigrant N. lugens was significantly lower than that for non-immigrant N. lugens. For Xieyou 963, soluble sugar content in the 3rd and 5th instar nymphs showed the same tendency as TN1. Crude fat content in adults developed from control plants for immigrants was significantly higher than that for non-immigrant populations, and that in the 3rd and 5th instar nymphs did not show a significant difference between immigrant and non-immigrant N. lugens. Crude fat content in the 5th instar nymphs and adults which developed from the rice plants treated with insecticides for immigrant populations was significantly higher than that for non-immigrant. ANOVA results also demonstrated that as for changes in soluble sugar and crude fat contents, there were significant interactions between insect origin and insecticide type, insect origin and insecticide concentration, and insecticide type and insecticide concentration. For the two rice varieties, free amino acid content in immigrant adults was significantly lower than that in their offspring adults. Amino acid content in adults that developed from TN1 plants treated with triazophos was significantly higher than with deltamethrin and imidacloprid, while  in adults that developed from Xieyou 963 plants treated with deltamethrin and imidacloprid it was significantly higher than that with triazophos. The present findings have important significance for understanding the mechanism of insecticide-induced resurgence of the N. lugens.]]>

[ 印建莉, 胡君欢, 徐海伟, 吴进才, 王飞, 杨国庆 , 2008.


昆虫学报, 51(11):1103-1112.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang J, Qin XW, Yuan FH, Liu J, Huang J, Zhang RJ , 2011.

Effects of sub-lethal concentration of nitenpyram on soluble protein, glyceride, free amino acid and soluble sugar of brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) (Homoptera: Delphacidae)

Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni 50(6):88-93.

URL     [本文引用: 1]

Nilaparvata lugens treated with sub-lethal doses of nitenpyram. The results indicated that the reserves of energy sources in nymphs and adults did have different variation trends. Soluble sugar contents in the 5th instar nymphs treated with LC10, LC30 stress in 12 h and 24 h and adults in 12 h stress were significantly higher than those 0f control; Glyceride contents in 5th instar nymphs and adults treated with LC10 stress were higher than those of control, but under 24 h stress, the glyceride content in the 5th instar nymphs was significantly lower than the control level; The variation trends of soluble protein contents in the 5th instar nymphs and adults were similar to that of free amino acid. The results suggested that under the control of sub-lethal doses of nitenpyram, the 5th instar nymphs and adults may have different coping mechanism and have important significance to understand the mechanism of sublethal doses of insecticide inducing resurgence of Nilaparvata lugens. ]]>

[ 张洁, 秦小娃, 袁凤辉, 刘杰, 黄婕, 张润杰 , 2011.


中山大学学报(自然科学版), 50(6):88-93.]

[本文引用: 1]

Zhang TS, Chang XL, Teng HY, Yuan YD, Wang DS , 2016.

Profile of protein and carbohydrate in Spodoptera exigua treated with sublethal concentration of methoxyfenozide

Acta Agriculture Shanghai, 32(6):87-91.

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[ 张天澍, 常晓丽, 滕海媛, 袁永达, 王冬生 , 2016.


上海农业学报, 32(6):87-91.]

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