甘薯小象甲在江苏的潜在入侵风险评估 *

应用昆虫学报, 2020, 57(4): 963-972 doi: 10.7679/j.issn.2095-1353.2020.099


甘薯小象甲在江苏的潜在入侵风险评估 *

高鹏,1,**, 胡婕2, 龚伟荣,2,***, 杜予州,1,***

1. 扬州大学园艺与植物保护学院,扬州大学应用昆虫研究所,扬州 225009

2. 江苏省植物保护植物检疫站,南京 210036

Projected potential range and risk analysis of the sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius), in Jiangsu province

GAO Peng,1,**, HU Jie2, GONG Wei-Rong,2,***, DU Yu-Zhou,1,***

1. School of Horticulture and Plant Protection & Institute of Applied Entomology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China

2. Jiangsu Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine Station, Nanjing 210036, China

通讯作者: *** E-mail:yzdu@yzu.edu.cn;E-mail:zj@jsagri.gov.cn

**第一作者First author,E-mail: 1628221665@qq.com

收稿日期: 2020-05-15   接受日期: 2020-06-22   网络出版日期: 2020-07-27

基金资助: *江苏省科技项目.  BE2005348
江苏省科技项目.  BE2014410

Corresponding authors: *** E-mail:yzdu@yzu.edu.cn;E-mail:zj@jsagri.gov.cn

Received: 2020-05-15   Accepted: 2020-06-22   Online: 2020-07-27


【目的】 为了研究甘薯小象甲Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)传入江苏及其在该地区扩散的风险性。【方法】 应用生物气候相似原理分析甘薯小象甲在江苏的潜在适生性。根据国际植物检疫措施标准(ISPM)规定的有害生物风险性分析(PRA)程序,利用相关风险性分析模型,从国内和江苏省内分布状况、潜在的危害性、被害栽培种的经济重要性、传入扩散及定殖的可能性以及风险性管理难度5个方面对甘薯小象甲在江苏的风险性进行定性和定量分析。【结果】 甘薯小象甲综合风险值R为2.26,且江苏北纬34.5°以南地区为甘薯小象甲的潜在季节性发生区,北纬34.5°以北地区为潜在零星发生区,江苏不存在非适生区和周年发生区。【结论】 甘薯小象甲符合检疫性有害生物的条件,江苏是其潜在适生区,据此提出了2条相关风险管理备选对策,以期使风险减少到可接受的水平。

关键词: 甘薯小象甲 ; 有害生物风险分析 ; 风险性管理 ; 中国江苏


[Objectives] To investigate the risk of introducing and spreading the alien invasive sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) in Jiangsu province. [Methods] The principle of agroclimatic analogy was used to analyze the suitability of areas for C. formicarius in Jiangsu. Based on the pest risk analysis (PRA) procedure according to international standards for pest measurements (ISPM) and the relevant PRA model, this study based the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the risk of C. formicarius establishing in Jiangsu on five factors; the distribution of C. formicarius in China and Jiangsu, the potential damage that could be caused by this pest, the economic importance of damaged host plants, the risk of establishment and spread, and the difficulty of management. [Results] The C. formicarius synthetic risk index is 2.26. In addition, C. formicarius occurs seasonally south of 34.5°N in Jiangsu but only sporadically north of this latitude. It should be noted that there is currently no part of Jiangsu that is absolutely unsuitable for C. formicarius or where the species occurs year-round. [Conclusion] C. formicarius meets the requirements to be classified as quarantinable pest in China, and Jiangsu is a potential area where this species could establish. Based on this, two risk management strategies are proposed to reduce the risk of C. formicarius establishing in Jiangsu to an acceptable level.

Keywords: Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) ; pest risk analysis ; risk management ; Jiangsu province

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高鹏, 胡婕, 龚伟荣, 杜予州. 甘薯小象甲在江苏的潜在入侵风险评估 *. 应用昆虫学报[J], 2020, 57(4): 963-972 doi:10.7679/j.issn.2095-1353.2020.099

GAO Peng, HU Jie, GONG Wei-Rong, DU Yu-Zhou. Projected potential range and risk analysis of the sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius), in Jiangsu province. Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology[J], 2020, 57(4): 963-972 doi:10.7679/j.issn.2095-1353.2020.099

甘薯小象甲Cylas formicarius (Fabricius),又称甘薯蚁象,俗名甘薯小象鼻虫、番薯臭虫、红头娘,英文名Sweet potato weevil。甘薯小象甲起源于印度和马来西亚,19世纪扩散至非洲(Chalfant,1990;Wolfe,1991;Brookes et al.,2019),目前广泛分布于热带和亚热带甘薯产区(图1),其中包括中国、韩国、日本、菲律宾、越南、老挝、柬埔寨、泰国、马来西亚、新加坡、印度、马达加斯加、波多黎各、南非、委内瑞拉、美国、澳大利亚、新喀里多尼亚、圣基茨和尼维斯 (GBIF,2020)。在亚洲地区,通过甘薯小象甲的地理种群系统发育研究可知,该虫的分化主要有2个分支,即南亚的印度地区分支和东亚的亚洲东部分支,亚洲东部分支又包括了东南部与东北部2个亚支,其中东北亚亚支包括我国台湾、浙江、广东、福建和重庆地区,而云南地区检测为东南亚亚支(Kawamura et al.,2007;徐可成等,2017)。亚洲地区的甘薯小象甲是随甘薯的调运自东南向西北扩散,并于19世纪传入中国(于海滨等,2011)。目前该虫在我国长江以南的多个省、市、自治区均有分布(赵养昌等,1974;洪晓月等,2003;农林病虫防治网,2008)。我国于1957年将甘薯小象甲列入《国内植物检疫对象名单》,一直到1983年才从《农业植物检疫对象和应施检疫的植物、植物产品名单》去除(陈生斗,2000)。江苏省于1985年将其列入江苏省农业植物检疫对象补充名单,在随后的2006年和2009年修订的《江苏省农业植物检疫性有害生物补充名单》中仍然将甘薯小象甲保留(刘刚,2010)。


图1   甘薯小象甲世界分布图(https://www.gbif.org/

Fig. 1   Distribution of Cylas formicarius in the world(https://www.gbif.org/

甘薯小象甲是寡食性昆虫,寄主为旋花科(Convolvulaceae)植物。目前已报道取食旋花科的番薯属(Ipomoea)、小牵牛属(Jacquemontia)、山牵牛属(Thunbergia)、打碗花属(Calystegia)、菟丝子属(Cuscuta)、马蹄金属(Dichondra)、鱼黄草属(Merremia)和腺叶藤属(Stictocardia)等8属、50余种植物,其中以取食番薯属中的栽培种甘薯为主(Loebenstein and Thottappilly,2009;于海滨等,2010;黄立飞等,2011);一些番薯属的杂草和伞形科(Umbelliferae)的胡萝卜Dacus carota L.、十字花科(Cruciferae)的小萝卜Raphanus sativus L.等可作为其转主寄主,但雌虫不能在小萝卜上产卵完成其生活史(Muruvanda et al.,1986)。

甘薯小象甲是我国甘薯上的一种重要害虫,可对甘薯的品质和产量造成极大的影响,尤其是在我国南方及长江中下游甘薯种植区(袁锋,2001;雷剑等,2018)。生长和储藏期的甘薯,均可遭受其为害,成虫通过取食薯蔓、薯柄及土壤上部薯块,致使植株发黄从而影响生长,并且还会对贮藏的甘薯造成危害,即在薯块表面蛀出小孔。幼虫在薯蔓及薯块内部取食,形成隧道,并且遭受危害的薯块会产生一系列有害的化学物质,对甘薯的品质影响很大(Nottingham et al.,1987;周桂乐,2010)。


1 材料与方法

1.1 生物学及气象数据材料

我国甘薯小象甲从南至北发生代数递减,发生世代最多的是云南,1年9代,其次中国台湾、广东地区,1年6-8代,然后是福建、广西,1年仍可发生5-6代,浙江一带每年仅发生3-4代(吴宝巨,2007;黄立飞等,2011)。甘薯小象甲个体之间各阶段发育差异较大,卵的发育历期一般为5-14 d,幼虫期17-31 d,蛹期6-14 d,而越冬代长达32-39 d。成虫寿命2个月左右,最长超过12个月。1-2个月即可完成1个世代,世代重叠。研究表明,在20、23、25、28、31 ℃的温度梯度下甘薯小象甲均能完成生长发育,完成1个世代分别需要79.75、57.01、43.36、33.10、31.90 d。不同发育阶段发育起点温度和所需有效积温都不同,详见表1王容燕等,2016)。

表1   甘薯小象甲各虫态发育起点温度及有效积温

Table 1  The threshold and effective accumulative temperatures of different developmental stage of Cylas formicarius

Developmental stages
Threshold temperature (℃)
Effective accumulated temperature (degree·days)
成虫产卵前期Preoviposition period17.4472.87
全生育期Whole growth period13.58515.77

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甘薯小象甲成虫具避光性,白天躲藏于藤蔓枯叶下隐蔽处,选择在清晨和傍晚活动。成虫爬行能力强,飞翔能力弱,可在短距离内扩散,一般仅能飞3-6 m,若借助风力则可达2 km以上,成虫还具假死性和趋甜性,耐饥力强,可延续5个月左右(徐三勤等,2015)。成虫羽化初期体乳白色而软,藏在薯块内,3-5 d后,色变深,躯干变硬,并爬出开始进行取食活动。羽化后5-7 d,开始交配,可多次交配,交配后2-10 d开始产卵。雌成虫偏好在甘薯表皮上产卵,其先在薯块表面取食出小洞,然后在小洞中产卵,并用排泄物将洞口封住。一般情况下一孔1粒卵,也会出现一孔2-3粒。产卵期15-115 d,种群密度低时,雌成虫平均产卵11.5-87.5粒/头,种群密度高时,雌成虫平均产卵151.7-170.6粒/头(Mullen and Cao,1982)。此外,其产卵最适温度为27-32 ℃,但薯窖温度仅在9-14 ℃,成虫仍可产卵,且虫卵正常发育(王际方,2010)。甘薯小象甲幼虫孵出后在薯蔓和薯块内蛀食出弯曲的隧道,虫体后方留下白色或褐色虫粪。幼虫在薯蔓内蛀食,向下钻蛀形成直隧道,造成被害处膨大,部分还可由此蛀入薯块。单个薯蔓隧道中大多仅有l头幼虫,而单个薯块中少则有1-2头,多则达100头以上。甘薯幼虫始终都在甘薯薯蔓和薯块内取食,老熟后化蛹。通常甘薯小象甲幼虫、蛹、成虫皆可越冬,其中幼虫和蛹居多,无明显生理滞育期,很少以卵越冬(黄邦侃等,1981)。成虫可在薯窖中、砖石土缝下和田间杂草上越冬,幼虫和蛹仅在田间或窖内的薯物内部越冬。此外,在高温干燥的旱季,甘薯小象甲更容易大暴发。


表2   江苏各地级市甘薯小象甲有效积温及预测世代数

Table 2  Effective accumulated temperature and predicted generations of Cylas formicarius in Jiangsu province

有效日数 (d)
Effective days (d)
Effective accumulated temperature(degree·days)
Predicted generations
南京Nanjing189.102 150.754.17
无锡Wuxi200.701 957.353.80
徐州Xuzhou183.502 202.884.27
常州Changzhou195.701 901.913.69
苏州Suzhou200.601 965.893.81
南通Nantong187.702 083.684.04
连云港Lianyungang176.501 783.783.46
淮安Huai’an179.302 000.573.88
盐城Yancheng175.601 931.753.75
扬州Yangzhou190.302 265.524.39
镇江Zhenjiang188.302 111.524.09
泰州Taizhou182.401 994.203.87
宿迁Suqian172.801 973.603.83

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1.2 在江苏的潜在适生性分析方法

利用气候相似距原理,将有效积温、发育起点温度与气候资料相结合,对甘薯小象甲在江苏的潜在适生性情况进行分析预测。据文献报道,目前全世界甘薯小象甲分布区域的最北界位于美国的卡罗来纳州东海岸区(North Carolina),其北纬34.5°;而在亚洲分布的最北界是日本高知县(Koch)的室户(Muroto),其北纬31°,这两个地区的1月平均气温均为15-16 ℃,7月平均温度为28-30 ℃(Jansson et al.,1987;Kandori et al.,2006);此外,甘薯小象甲能短期耐0 ℃低温,且最低可达–3 ℃ (王际方,2010)。因此,北纬34.5°以南地区适宜于甘薯小象甲的越冬、生长发育及繁殖,因此以该纬度作为甘薯小象甲的潜在适生区划分标准。此外,根据表1,甘薯小象甲卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫的发育起点温度分别为11.44、12.37、14.42和17.44 ℃,结合江苏省的温度(表2)和甘薯种植情况,对甘薯小象甲在江苏省的潜在适生范围划分。

1.3 风险指标的确定

查阅甘薯小象甲文献资料,从该虫在中国及江苏的分布情况、潜在的危害性、受害作物的经济重要性、传播扩散的可能性、危险性管理难度5个方面综合分析甘薯小象甲在江苏的风险性。同时,参照蒋青等(1995)提出的多指标综合评估风险性的方法,结合江苏的实际情况,建立甘薯小象甲在江苏的风险性评估体系,量化和赋分相关指标,并通过以下几个公式计算多项指标(Pi)和综合风险值(R)。省内分布状况:即P1=P11;潜在危害性:P2=0.6P21+0.2P22+0.2P23;受害寄主的经济重要性:P3=Max(P31, P32, P33);传播扩散的可能性:${{P}_{4}}=\sqrt[5]{{{P}_{41}}\times {{P}_{42}}\times {{P}_{43}}\times {{P}_{44}}\times {{P}_{45}}}$;危险性管理难度:P5=(P51+P52+P53)/3;综合风险性:$R=\sqrt[5]{{{P}_{1}}\times {{P}_{2}}\times {{P}_{3}}\times {{P}_{4}}\times {{P}_{5}}}$。

2 结果与分析

2.1 在江苏的潜在适生性分析


(1)非适生区:江苏各地区年均温高于15 ℃,月最低温不低于–3 ℃,故江苏地区不存在甘薯小象甲的潜在非适生区。

(2)周年发生区:江苏各地区冬季室外温度都在10 ℃以下,低于甘薯小象甲各个发育阶段的发育起点温度,没有虫态可以完成发育。因此,江苏也没有甘薯小象甲的潜在周年发生区。

(3)季节性发生区:目前已知甘薯小象甲的分布北界是北纬34.5°。在江苏,除北部少数地区外,大部分地区均在北纬34.5°以内,而且江苏1月份的日均气温在0-8 ℃,大部分地区均能使甘薯小象甲安全越冬;7月份的温度在20- 37 ℃,11月份的温度也在11-15 ℃,因此夏、秋季可为甘薯小象甲提供生长发育的温度条件,因此江苏北纬34.5°以南地区应属于甘薯小象甲的潜在季节性发生区。

(4)零星发生区:在江苏,徐州地区的沛县、丰县以及连云港地区的赣榆县和东海县的部分地区在北纬34.5°以北,且1月日平均可达–3 ℃,因此甘薯小象甲在这些地区的野外越冬较为困难;但这些地区的7月气温在20-36 ℃,适宜甘薯小象甲的生长发育,因此将这些地区划为甘薯小象甲的潜在零星发生区。

2.2 甘薯小象甲的风险性分析

2.2.1 江苏潜在发生的风险性 中国及江苏的分布情况(P1)。根据有关资料报道,甘薯小象甲主要分布在我国台湾、福建、浙江、江西、湖南、海南、广东、广西等东南沿海及南方地区,在西南地区的重庆、四川、贵州、云南也有分布,但未见该虫在我国北方分布的报道。此外,根据江苏省植保站多年的监测,至今未发现江苏有甘薯小象甲分布及发生危害的报道,为此自1985年至今一直将甘薯小象甲列入江苏省检疫性有害生物补充名单。





2.2.2 风险指标值 (1)江苏省内分布状况(P11):赋分评判标准为:若江苏省内无分布,P11=3;分布占省内面积的0-20%,P11=2;多达20%-50%,P11=1;大于50%,P11=0。由于甘薯小象甲目前省内无分布,故P11=3。






14 400 hm2以上,P32=3;9 000-14 400 hm2,P32=2;小于9 000 hm2,P32=1;无,P32=0。由于江苏目前甘薯种植区未发生危害,P32=0。












受害寄主的经济重要性:P3=Max(P31, P32, P33)=2;


${{P}_{4}}=\sqrt[5]{{{P}_{41}}\times {{P}_{42}}\times {{P}_{43}}\times {{P}_{44}}\times {{P}_{45}}}=2.04$;

危险性管理难度:P5= (P51+P52+P53)/3=2;


$R=\sqrt[5]{{{P}_{1}}\times {{P}_{2}}\times {{P}_{3}}\times {{P}_{4}}\times {{P}_{5}}}=2.26$。


2.3 甘薯小象甲的风险性管理

2.3.1 政策法规 积极宣传植物检疫相关的法律法规及甘薯小象甲在江苏省内检疫地位。教育并帮助甘薯种植户了解并遵守植物检疫法规。植检部门不仅要积极引进和推广高效、便捷的检疫新技术,还要依据检疫法规,认真查处违规调运甘薯种质资源案件(钟鹏飞,1994)。

2.3.2 检疫处理措施 农事操作上,首选抗性品种,实行水旱轮作,避免薯块裸露,多施有机肥、及时灌水。甘薯收获后,清除有虫薯蔓、薯块等,集中深埋或烧毁(吴宝巨,2007)。目前,在大田生产中针对甘薯小象甲防治多采用辛硫磷、毒死蜱和锐劲特等药剂进行化学防治(林泗海,2005;甘林等,2013;张菡等,2013;王容燕等,2015;李月芬等,2017)。还可以利用甘薯小象甲的天敌,昆虫病原线虫、病原真菌和寄生蜂等为主。采用异小杆类线虫、斯氏线虫、球孢白僵菌和褐色绿僵菌侵染等进行生物防治,可达到理想的防治效果(Su et al.,1988;Tarafdar and Sarkar,2006;Ondiaka et al.,2008;曹伟平等,2011)。近年来,昆虫不育技术也有研究,例如甘薯小象甲的卵被150 Gy剂量的χ-射线照射就不能孵化,雌虫被200 Gy剂量γ-射线照射后,其受精囊中的精子活力下降(Jansson et al.,1990;Kumano et al.,2010)。另外,性诱剂能降低甘薯小象甲的种群密度,也是控害的有效方法(Coffelt et al.,1978;Heath et al.,1986;Reddy and Guerrero,2004)。此外,有研究发现,一些作物可以起到驱避该虫的作用,例如大葱、辣椒等可以作为屏障阻止甘薯小象甲危害甘薯,甚至甜玉米和薄荷也可以有效减少甘薯小象甲的产卵量(Dada et al.,2020)。

2.3.3 风险管理方案的选择使用 上述两个方案,建议同时采取,配合使用。针对外来有害生物或检疫性有害生物,需要预防和治理的有机结合。无论江苏甘薯小象甲有无发生危害,以上措施都可以有效降低该虫的风险性。

3 讨论




Brookes DR, Hereward JP, Walter GH, Furlong MJ , 2019.

Origins, divergence, and contrasting invasion history of the sweet potato weevil pests Cylas formicarius (Coleoptera: Brentidae) and Euscepes batatae (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the Asia-Pacific

Journal of Economic Entomology 112(6):2931-2939.

DOI:10.1093/jee/toz198      URL     PMID:31352482      [本文引用: 1]

Cylas formicarius F. and Euscepes batatae Waterhouse are the most damaging sweet potato insect pests globally. Both weevils are thought to have invaded the Pacific alongside the movement of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Convolvulaceae), with C. formicarius having originated in India and E. batatae in Central or South America. Here we compare the genetic relationships between populations of the pests, primarily in the Asia-Pacific, to understand better their contemporary population structure and their historical movement relative to that of sweet potato. Cylas formicarius has divergent mitochondrial lineages that indicate a more complex biogeographic and invasive history than is presently assumed for this insect, suggesting it was widespread across the Asia-Pacific before the arrival of sweet potato. Cylas formicarius must have originally fed on Ipomoea species other than I. batatas but the identity of these species is presently unknown. Cylas formicarius was formerly designated as three species or subspecies and the genetic data presented here suggests that these designations should be reinvestigated. Euscepes batatae has very low genetic diversity which is consistent with its historical association with sweet potato and a recent introduction to the Asia-Pacific from the Americas. The distribution of E. batatae may be narrower than that of C. formicarius in the Asia-Pacific because it has relied relatively more on human-assisted movement. Consequently, E. batatae may become more widespread in the future. Investigating the invasion history of both species will help to understand the probability and nature of future invasions.

Cao WP, Song J, Wang JY, Feng SL, Du LX , 2011.

Screening of Beauveria bassiana strains against Cylas formicarius

Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences, 15(11):45-47.

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Ecology and management of sweet potato insects

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Sex pheromone of the sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius elagantulus laboratory bioassay and evidence for a multiple component system

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Dada TE, Liu J, Johnson A, Rehman M, Gurr GM , 2020.

Screening barrier plants to reduce crop attack by sweet potato weevil ( Cylas formicarius)

Pest Management Science, 76(3):894-900.

DOI:10.1002/ps.5594      URL     PMID:31441202      [本文引用: 1]

BACKGROUND: Sweet potato weevil, Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) attacks stems and storage roots of sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas, and is a major pest of this globally significant crop. To minimize the immigration of weevils into sweet potato fields from nearby donor habitat, we assessed scope for a barrier plant approach. Here, we report a novel, two-stage, multiple choice olfactometer method to screen candidate barrier plant species and a field study of the effects of shortlisted barrier plants of weevil movement and plant damage. RESULTS: Initial work established that a combination of sweet potato foliage and storage root was significantly more attractive to adult C. formicarius than either tissue alone in the distal chamber of choice arms. Among 15 candidate barrier plant species in intermediate chambers in arms, spring onion, oregano, chilli, basil, sweetcorn, fennel, lime mint and lemongrass significantly reduced passage of C. formicarius. Of these, sweetcorn and lime mint significantly reduced the numbers of oviposition holes in sweet potato storage roots. A field study showed that basil and chives were effective barrier plants for reducing weevil damage to sweet potato storage roots. CONCLUSION: Our method has utility for screening additional candidate plants, and suggests that weevil dispersal and subsequent oviposition are affected by passage through some plants, suggesting scope for barrier plants to contribute to the management of this major pest. (c) 2019 Society of Chemical Industry.

Du YZ, Dai L, Ju RT, Gu J, Diao CY, Gong WR , 2005.

Risk analysis of alien invasive western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande), in China

Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 38(11):2360-2364.

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Based on the rule of pest risk analysis (PRA) of international standards for pest measurements (ISPM) and the relevant model of PRA, this paper delt with the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the risk level of Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) on five aspects - the distribution, potential damaged degree, economical value of damaged host plants, spreading possibility and risk management difficulty in China. The value of the synthetic index of the pest risk is 2.33, which has reached the level of the quarantine pest in China. Based on this result two strategies for the better risk management were proposed and evaluated in order to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

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A sex pheromone of the sweetpotato weevil,Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Summers), was obtained from collections of volatiles from virgin females, and pheromone was isolated by means of liquid and gas chromatography. The purification procedure was monitored by quantitative laboratory and field bioassays and the compound was identified as (Z)-3-dodecen-1-ol (E)-2-butenoate by means of spectroscopic and microchemical methods. Synthesis, followed by laboratory and field bioassays, showed that the biological activity of the synthetic material was qualitatively and quantitatively indistinguishable from that of the purified natural product.

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The sterile insect technique (SIT) is widely used to suppress or eradicate target pest insect populations. Although the effectiveness of SIT depends on the ability of released sterile males to mate with and inseminate wild females, the use of gamma radiation to induce sterility negatively impacts reproductive cells as well as somatic cells. Consequently, sterilization by irradiation drastically diminishes mating performance over time. In the current study, we evaluated the effect of irradiation dose intensity on fertility, mating propensity, and mating competitiveness in sweetpotato weevil, Cylas formicarius elegantulus (Summers) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), for 16 d after irradiation. Although the mating propensity of males irradiated with 200 Gy, the dose currently used to induce complete sterility of C. f. elegantulus in the SIT program in Okinawa Prefecture, was equal to that of nonirradiated weevils for the first 6 d, the mating propensity of males irradiated with doses between of 75 and 150 Gy was maintained for the first 12 d. The potential fertilization ability of weevils was highly depressed compared with the control weevils, even in those treated with 75 Gy. Mating performance was severely compromised in weevils that were irradiated with a dose of 100 Gy or more. These results demonstrate that partial sterilization can be highly advantageous in eradication programs for the sweetpotato weevil. We discuss the advantages of the application of partial irradiation in insect eradication programs.

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